Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Surfing and Dodger Game!

Linder and I went down to Malibu today and learned how to surf!!!!!
There is Linder standing up on her longboard!!!! YEAH:) Or as Linder would say, SCORE!
There I am coming in at the tail end of the surf standing up on my shortboard!

While learning to surf, you have to be able to be stable and ride the wave in on your knee first.... Then, attempt to stand up!!!!

Surfing = a new favorite sport... Dear Santa, what i want for christmas is a surfboard and wet suit! Thanks :)
Jason (Linder's man) was nice enough to give us surf lessons!
And.... we rock :)

Then... on to the dodger game with Kris, Tammy, and Francine... The seats were legit!!! And we were seating about four to five rows behind Will Ferrel!!!! Pretty AWESOME!
Me and Francine!
These were our seats! Go Dodgers! Unfortunately they lost :( But we still had a great time!

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