Thursday, December 23, 2010

Is it a boy or a girl?

Let's take a poll. I am just shy of 18 weeks. At 18 weeks you can find out if the baby is a boy or a girl.... But my next doctor's appointment is not for another three weeks. So three weeks from yesterday we will be finding out whether we will be naming our child Breslin Michael Burrill or Breslyn Sadie Burrill.

There are certain old wives tales of figuring out whether it is a boy or a girl;
1) Test the heartbeat. If the baby's heartbeat is consistently above 140 it is a girl, if it's consistently below 140 it's a boy.
2) If the mom is craving something sweet it's a girl, if the mom is craving sour things it's a boy.
3) This one's hillarious; if the husband gains weight during pregnancy it's a girl.
4) If the mom's face becomes full and round and rosy the baby is a girl.
5) If the right breast is larger than the left breast it's a boy, and vice versa it's a girl.
6) By holding a pendant over the belly; if the pendant swings back and forth it's a boy, if it swings in a circular motion the baby is a girl.
7) Increased acne in the mother means it's a girl.
8) If you supposedly ask the mother what she is having, in a study that asked women with no previous knowledge of what their baby's sex is 71% of the women were right...

So what do you guys think??? I am going to try a few of these at home tests and make my guess a day or so before the test... but I am really curious what you all think.

Vote now!!!!


Julie said...

I voted boy. I could see you two with a lil' allstar athlete stud. :)

Chayla said...

love this poll the nation idea! very cute... i'm hoping for a breslyn!

Jennifer said...

Julie~ hopefully he would become a little stud... but Chayla, I agree with you I'm thinking it's a girl!!!!!