Wow! Over the last month, you can really see Baby Breslin has pooched out there! We have gone from barely anything, to people now stopping and asking me when I am due! It has been nearly 31 weeks... (It will be 31 weeks tomorrow) We have nine weeks left. I can not imagine getting any bigger!!! It is already a HUGE struggle putting socks and shoes on in the morning!!! I'd ask Brady for help... but he's already gone!!! Anyways, happy Thursday to you all! Have a great day!
Oh just wait! I exploded the last 4 weeks, and I delivered 2 weeks early. Invest in slip ons. When I did have to tie my shoes, I sat on the couch and put my leg out to the side on the arm of the couch. I'm sure it looked strange, but I had shoes on.
oooohhh... that makes me so excited!!!! It has been easier to lift my leg up to my hands... versus bringing my hands down to my feet!
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