Saturday, August 20, 2011

Five for Fridays... or Saturday

1.  Breslin started daycare this week.  He did great, however mommy on the other hand struggled.  The first day I only had to leave him from 7:40 - 12:30 because we just had a big staff meeting and then a department meeting.  So it was a good ease in day for the both of us.

2.  With #1, we think Breslin has a little girlfriend at daycare!  We take him to an at home daycare where the lady takes care of a total of 6 little ones.  But Lily (6 months) and Breslin are her two littlest ones, and I think Lily loves having another baby around.  Lily just plays and Breslin just stares at her!!!!  So cute.

3.  School started on Thursday with students.  I like my classes, I am just waiting for my students to open up with there personality a little more.

4.  Breslin man is growing by leaps and bounds... he rarely fusses at all anymore, only wakes up once during the night to eat, is so alert, takes the bottles, now actually plays with stuffed animals and rattles, and is becoming very self reliant (he amuses himself much more!)

5.  Slowly but surely we are going to get a morning routine going.  It is definitely a lot different getting yourself ready and a baby in the morning.  Both Thursday and Friday I have forgotten at least one thing that I needed to bring to school... It'll get easier.


ingrid said...

Moving on: life with Breslin and back to teaching. Sounds like you are getting in the groove.

ingrid said...

Missing him and you two as well.