Sunday, August 26, 2012

Hectic life

Well, it's been crazy here, getting back to "life."  It's hard to believe that just a year ago, I was going back to work and leaving Breslin all day with Mary at daycare.  I was sooooooo nervous he wouldn't take a bottle, I was sooooooo nervous he wouldn't eat for her, I was sooooooo nervous he would think I'd abandoned him.  Now, we are trying to wean the last little bit of bottlehood from Breslin.  We nipped all day bottles and nursing at 13 months, then last week we nipped his morning bottle, now we are looking forward to nipping the night time "baba" before bed.  As for the not eating... well that is not a problem anymore.  Breslin will eat absolutely anything and everything.  But his three favorite foods are blueberries, graham crackers, and ironically enough, anything with cheese.  He still has issues with dairy, but now the only thing that seems to effect him is actual milk, anything else he is good with.  This has caused a life style change for us within our little family.  We no longer drink milk (which I was a huge milk lover before the Brez man came along), we have switched over to  Soy and Coconut Milk.  The best thing about going back to work this year as opposed to last year, is that, everyone in our family absolutely LOVES Mary.  (But most of all, Breslin does)!  He loves being at Mary's, playing with his friends, eating all of his food, napping wonderfully.  There is, honestly, no better feeling in the world for me when I go to work, knowing how absolutely wonderful Mary is for Breslin. We are so grateful for Mary and don't ever take her for granted!

So, with the hustle and bustle of our daily lives getting back into action, we still took a few last beach days in there (seeing as it was 100+ degrees in the SCV).  We headed out to Ventura to play with Gina and Wes at the beach, and the weekend before we headed out to Santa Barbara to hang with the Carey's and attempt some surfing.  Soaking in every last bit of summer as we possibly can.
Wes playing a little airplane with Breslin in Ventura.
Breslin hanging out on the surfboard with mommy... after mommy attempted to surf after a two year hiatus.
 This last week was super crazy...  As school was now in full swing, I also have been involved in a Book Club the last two months, and Monday night it was my turn to host.  We had five ladies over here with some of their kiddos and enjoyed a pot luck, some great company and discussion.  We have read two really good books and am looking forward to the next one.  The two books we have read were "The Maze Runner," (which I then went ahead and completed the three book series), and "Gone Girl," both books I highly recommend.  Then on Wednesday, I went with Mitzi and the kiddos to the Antelope Valley Fair to go see Billy Currington in concert.  But considering I normally go to bed around 8 (I know... I'm lame), and Billy Currington didn't even take the stage til 8:30 it was going to be a long night (on a school night no less).  Let us just go ahead and say there is never a dull moment with the Mandel's, and this Wednesday night was no different.  Finally to cap off the week, we went to Happy Hour on Friday after school to celebrate the first full week of school being over with.  It was a super busy week, but a super fun week.  I am really trying to keep my life balanced.  I need me some Breslin man time, but I also need some "me" time.  The book club and the concert gave me some of that "me" time, but boy did I miss my Breslin time.
Logan and me on our way to see Billy Currington (Logan knew almost every song).
The one really good thing about school starting is.....  the start of school means the start of football!  And Breslin, Brady, and I are all super excited for Michigan State football to begin.  The whole family will be heading back for the Boise State game this weekend and the Ohio State game (which happens to fall during our Fall break).  Brady and I will be taking a solo trip back for the Notre Dame game without the Brez man.  We think that would have been too many trips for the little guy.  He will get some serious Auntie and cousin time that weekend, while me and Brady will take the red eye out on Friday night, get in to Michigan around 6 am on Saturday morning, go to the football game Saturday night and then leave from the Detroit airport at 8:30 am on Sunday morning... talk about a whirlwind trip.  The things we do for those Spartans!
Breslin and mommy doing their best "football tough guy" face.
I, yet again, vow to do a better job keeping up with the blog... but who knows.  Life get's busy with a fifteen month old ruling the roost!  Sparty On!

1 comment:

joyce said...

So glad to read your blog updates. I am going to find the books you've recommended from your book club. So happy that things are well with Breslin and you as you settle back into school routine.