Its so nice to have something happy and positive on this blog for a change... what with all of the tornadoes and wild fires! We went over to the Mandels house on Sunday night and did pumpking carving (even though it doesn't feel close to Halloween seeing that the temperature registered in at 95 degrees yesterday.....) Anyway here are some of the pics.
Megan carving away
Brady helping out Blake.... by this time, the women were tired of helping carve the pumpkins... arms were a little sore
The kids with all of their pumpkins
and their pumpkin tops
This is the best pic I got of all the ladies... Nathan took it, its a nice shot of our legs as well!!!
Everybody circled around on the floor carving away
Brady with his gooey mess
Nathan pulling out some of the insides of his pumpkin
I think Mitzi is ready to be done

Happy Halloween!!!!!
Happy Halloween!!!!!