Friday, October 07, 2011

Five for Fridays

1.  Well we found out that Breslin is allergic to something in the "mommy's milk."  We have exclusively nursed Breslin with mommy's milk and have yet to use formula.  If we want to continue to do so we have to figure out what it is that I am eating that is giving Breslin an allergic reaction.  So last Friday I gave up dairy, eggs, shellfish, seafood, and nuts.  Hopefully his reactions will go away by his next doctors appointment (which is October 20).  Then I can reintroduce each of those foods one at a time to single out which food item it is.  If it doesn't clear up by the doctors appointment we will probably have to switch to formula :(  We would at least like to go 6 months... but we were planning on doing mommy's milk exclusively for the first year.  So hopefully this works.  It's hard on me, but I am always up for a challenge... so if giving up dairy (and all that other stuff which I don't really eat) is what I have to do to make my little man feel good, then I will!  Plus I should drop about 50 pounds because I won't have my daily ice cream night cap and no more excessive cheese.  :p

2.  Along with #1, it's not just the dairy you think of (ice cream, butter, milk, cheese, etc.) that I have to give up.  It's also everything that goes into milk... the biggest one is the protein products that comes from cow milk, and let me tell you, this is in EVERYTHING....  Grocery shopping was quite a challenge... and I feel like I will be living off of salads... but it is what it is, and hopefully it will be worth it.

3.  We had fall break this week, and we went to Palm Springs with the other Burrill's to just kick back and relax... and that we did!

4.  Gotta love a three day work week!

5.  It was a big weekend/week for the sports of the state of Michigan.  Michigan State beat Ohio State at Ohio State for the first time in 12 years... that other collegiate team that is from the state of Michigan won their Big Ten opener... then on Sunday, the Detroit Lions came back from 24 down to the Dallas Cowboys to come back and win the game in regulation, and then on Thursday the Tigers beat the Yankees in the ALDS (I think?!?!)  So people in Michigan, or from the state of Michigan should be feeling pretty good!  Like those pic below says... the big cats are back!

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