Friday, November 11, 2011

Five for Fridays

1.  We made another trip back to Michigan.
2.  Breslin went to his first ever MSU game.  Not only that, but his first true gameday experience.
3.  It is so great to see all of my family and friends back in Michigan.  Even though people joke about us flying out there so often... I still do not see them nearly enough.  I love you all and miss you dearly.
4.  Breslin is now growing out of his 6 month clothing and is now wearing 9 month clothes (someone needs to tell him he is only five months old).
5.  Can not believe we are already in the thick of November.  Before we know it the New Year will be upon us.


Julie said...

I enjoyed catching up on your Michigan adventure! So nice that Breslin was able to go to his first state game. Loved seeing the other babies too! Thank goodness you don't live closer or esle you would have to be fighting the ladies off of Breslin at all times. :)

Jennifer said...

lol! I know right?!?! All of the MSU gymnasts have little ladies... and I have one of the very few ladies man!!!!

Dana LaMacchia said...

FINALLY been able to catch up on my blog reading, wish I had a little more time to do my own blog... BUT nonetheless, it was so nice to see you when you were in town! I can't wait to spend a little more time with you over Christmas!