Friday, January 13, 2012

Five for Fridays

1.  Well we "sleep trained" Breslin.  The book, "Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child," really helped me get up the courage to do it.  It seems to be working, last night, it took Breslin about 1 minute to fall asleep at 6:45, then he slept until about 10:00, woke up for about 5-10 minutes of whimpering, then went back to sleep all on his own, woke up again at about 2:15, same thing, whimpered for about 5 minutes then went back to sleep on his own, finally woke up at 5:30.  No eating, no mommy and daddy coming in there to lul, pat, or rock him back to sleep..  he is doing it all on his own!
2.  Was able to get a bit of scrapbooking done this week.  Hopefully a little bit more this weekend.
3.  Getting serious about my half marathon training.  Have run every other day this week.  Sunday I go for 7 miles.
4.  Breslin is still working on that one tooth coming through... every day I swear it's about to come in... but it doesn't.  It's got to come poking through this weekend or else I don't know what.
5.  Breslin now crawls.  Every now and then he goes back to his army crawl, but he is getting more comfortable with crawling.
*Bonus: We got our skype up and running.  We have now skyped my mom and dad back in Michigan, my sister, Christina out in Florida, and Kari our niece (who is just down the road).

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