Belize had to have been one of my favorite places we stopped. We went to a little island off of Belzie called Bannister Island which couldn't have been longer than a quarter of a mile, we spent a couple of hours there lying out in the sun, exploring, swimming in the crisp clear water, and collecting sea shells, once we were done at the island we went with our tour guides in search of the endangered manitees.... and guess what we saw FOUR!!!! We were the only excursion (the ten of us) that went in search of manitees! The guides said they had not seen any manitees in two weeks so we were really lucky, we also got to see two dolphins, so we got two for the price of one!
Now how ugly is that water? We heard the cause of this was anwhere from Hurricane Dolly stirring up the sand to the boats stirring up the sand, and then the boats and their oil to the inlet of a river.
Bannister Island
Now this water is way better!!!!
I had to!
Scenery of the island
Thats how long it was.. to about where that shed is.
Checking things out
Me just being a dork
Sitting on the dock of the bay wasting time
The manitee coming up for some air

1 comment:
Wow, can't believe you got a picture of the manatee in the wild. Some great photos. Thanks for sharing. Makes me want to go, but then, any excuse to travel is a good reason for me.
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