Sunday, October 17, 2010

Five for Friday's

1. Watched Michigan State put a beating on Michigan... 3 years in a row and counting.... 6-0 baby! 2. Was able to hang out with Chayla while watching the game.... it's been a year...

3. Went snorkeling with reef sharks!!!!!

4. Did all of that in the Bahamas... for Chayla and Darreal's wedding!!!!

And #5............................................................ We are Pregnant!!!!!!!!


ingrid said...

IT'S OFFICIAL!!! for all :) CONGRATS again.

Julie said...

YAY...CONGRATULATIONS!! Welcome to the mommy club!! You and Brady are going to be fantastic parents! So excited for you!

Chayla said...

YAY!!! i was wondering how long it was gonna take you to make it public knowledge! no you can start posting pictures of the baby bump, which is non existent right now!