Saturday, April 21, 2012

Five for Fridays

1.  Breslin is a mover for sure....  Walking and crawling all over the place!
2.  Continuing through the steps to hopefully get our kitchen redone... picked out materials and got an estimate.  Next step, an appraiser!!!
3.  I had an AWESOME time with some great friends to celebrate the last day of my 28th year!!!  (nah, to celebrate my 29th birthday!!!!) 
~I'm not gonna say much about it, but I believe there was a dance off with me and some random at a dive bar in Burbank to Journey, and I'm pretty sure there was a leg lift to an air guitar..needless to say I rocked it!
4.  STAR (California's standardized testing) was this week, which allowed me to catch up on a lot of things.  Five weeks left then finals week.  WOW, it flies.
5.  Finished all of the Hunger Game books.  They were great, I just can't imagine junior high kids reading these books.... not sure how appropriate of an age that is.

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