Saturday, May 26, 2012

Five for Fridays

First off... Oh my do I need to start posting more regularly.. I think once summer hits it should be easier.

1.  Last week of what I call "for real" school.  Next week is finals.
2.  Our seniors graduated on Thursday night, some of those seniors I had when they were freshmen my first year.  Boy, have we come full circle!  They have grown up to be such young adults, and I have definitely grown from my first year teaching.  Some of these students will never understand the impact that they have had on me, and as I have said before, I can only hope that I have had as much of an impact on them.  Being a teacher is super bittersweet, because we build these awesome relationships with these students and then they leave... then we start all over the next year... then they leave...  But, the sweet part is knowing that they are moving on to much bigger and better things with their whole lives ahead of them!
3.  Got the commitment from my dad, he is taking us to Vegas with him with his earnings from his Bonus!!!  (Come to think of it, it seems very, Vegas Vacation"ish", doesn't it?)  Anyways, I am looking forward to spending some quality time with my dad and sister.  Christina is going to come out a little bit before and hang out with us in California before we head over to Vegas!  They are not going to recognize Breslin, all he does is walk and babble all over the place!
4.  Breslin got bit this week and daycare on the cheek by one of his ladies...  (Let's be honest, he probably stole Lily's toy and probably was a bit of an instigator in the whole thing).  But like a champ, Mary (the daycare lady) said he didn't cry, just was a little bit fussy.
5.  And the biggest news of all... West Ranch baseball, who won league a couple of weeks ago, just beat the #1 team in the nation according to MaxPreps in their CIF baseball tournament!  This is a huge deal, obviously.  One more game and then the championship game is down at Dodger stadium... How cool would that be if they got to play at Dodger Stadium!!!!  (But we can't get ahead of ourselves, the Wildcats still have to win on Tuesday before... so hopefully they keep their head in the moment, versus looking ahead like I am!) Click here if you wanna read the article of the game!!!

1 comment:

ingrid said...

And you're not looking forward to spending quality time with your mom, just dad and sister? HHHMM.