Friday, December 31, 2010

Saying goodbye to the old, Hello to the New!!!

Well, today is the last day of 2010. I sit here and ask myself what was the good, the bad, the scary, the fun. I really lived it up in 2010, and look forward to many life changes in 2011....

In 2010, I was rocked with some sort of auto immune disease... I thank all of my family Burrill side, Yarbrough side, and friends who listened to me cry and freak out over a good six or so months of trying to figure out what was wrong with me... a BIG THANKS especially to Mitzi for going to the numerous doctors appointments that Brady couldn't make. We never did pinpoint exactly what was and/or still is going on, but at least now we are able to keep an eye of any progress that the disease might build.

In 2010 we bought our new house... and boy oh boy does our new house rock. We were able to have many parties at our house... football parties, birthday parties, just party parties, Thanksgiving, Christmas parties, and have been able to open our house to numerous guests that have made it out to California; Christina, mom, Lauren and Sean, and Dan Burrill. We are so happy that you guys made the trek out to California and hope you can do the same in the years to come!

2010 brought great friends. We have become much closer to our friends this year... Rock Band might have been the common link, and maybe football, but nonetheless, my Rock Band peeps, you know who you are... ummm, I guess I could also call you my Cabo peeps; You guys are awesome!!!

2010 also brought plenty of trips... and if you ask Brady... WAY too many trips... Let's see where did we go in 2010??? Vegas, Indianapolis (for the final four), Florida, Kauai, San Francisco, Cabo, three trips to Michigan for MSU football games, the Bahamas for Chayla and Darreal's wedding, Memphis for Kimya's wedding and Michigan one more time for Christmas break!!! No wonder we are Sky Priority ;) The people at LAX know us by name... and we aren't even business travelers!!! hahaha.

2010 brought great sports for us as well. We got to make it to another final four, and Brady and I are were able to go to this one as well. And our football team... who knew?!?!?! 11-1 this season! It was definately a stressful season, but 11 out of the 12 times we came out with a W. This made for a very stable relationship for me and Brady (hahaha).

What else? Can anybody else think of anything... Oh, yep, I got it... Even through all of my health's up and downs in the last year, we happened to get pregnant. We got pregnant with only about a month of "not" not trying. This has really rocked our world, because in the beginning we weren't so sure about the whole baby thing, but as the pregnancy has progressed we are as ready as we'll ever be.... We just want the baby to come!!! 21 more weeks.

Well hopefully you all have had a wonderful 2010, and if you haven't, make 2011 the best year ever. If I have learned anything from this past year, surround yourself with friends and family, don't sweat the small stuff, and really try and find the positive in everything!!!

Happy New Year to all! We'll see if I can come up with my ten more goals for my 50 goals of 2011 by tomorrow! Love you all!


Melody's Voice said...

Sounds like you guys had a great year! Congrats on the baby! So exciting. 2011 will be a good year!

mitzi said...

We love you!!