Friday, February 18, 2011

Five for Fridays

1. I put together Breslin's crib :)
2. Valentine's Day came and went... Brady did our taxes, so I didn't see him until like 9:00 at night, but me not doing taxes with him... so worth it....
3. Short work week!
4. Took a nice little one night trip to Huntington Beach.
5. Rainy Day here on Friday... doesn't happen to often!


joyce said...

Bet you're getting so excited as time is nearing for Breslin to make his appearance, especially since you're getting all this baby stuff and putting together his bed. Looking more and more real, isn't it? So happy for you.

Jennifer said...

It is getting really "real." I can not wait for these last 14 weeks to fly by....

ingrid said...

Sounds like you are going to be more than ready for Bresling. Bet he's excited as well, to see his new digs :)