Saturday, September 10, 2011

Five for Fridays... or Saturday

 1.  (Above pic)  Breslin conked after his first full weekend of football!!!!  Last Friday was the MSU game, but then on Saturday we spent all day at Casey and Kris's house watching football all day long... This pic was taken during the Oregon game last weekend... he is out like a light.

2.  Gave my first tests this week for my Alg 2 Trig classes... Class average in each class ranged between am 87 - 88%.

3.  I got a SmartBoard for my classroom... I will share pictures of that once I get it up and running in my classroom!

4.  We are dilligently trying to watch our money, because those stupid hospital bills from Breslin's birth still keep coming in (you would think three months later and about 4 grand later that they would be done coming...).  But because we are watching our money I am cooking more at home and making some real good meals (they taste good to me at least).  Now I really do feel like a parent running a household... taking care of a baby, making home cooked meals....  Thank goodness for the cleaners, cuz I just don't think I can clean on top of it :)

5.  And I am a blonde again!!!  It has been a good two years.  It is a legit blonde too (pic below).


Melody's Voice said...

Wait, why do you have to pay so much fo the birth? Now I'm worried. Btw, your hair looks pretty :)

Jennifer said...

I think it is because we switched our insurance to a ppo and we only have to pay 20% of medical bills (but that is still super expensive), up until our premium of 6,000. I don't think it would be that expensive if we hadn't JUST switched our insurance, because we hadn't paid anything toward our premium.