Saturday, January 01, 2011

50 goals

I have done this for the last two years... this will be my third year. Here are the 50 goals I aspire to accomplish this year. These goals are in no particular order.
1. No work over the weekends.
2. Continue to read a book a month.
3. Go to a Laker game
4. Go to a NHL game
5. Go to a NFL game
6. Go to a MLB game
7. Purchase another bed for the MSU room.
8. Make it to at least one MSU bball game
9. Make it to two MSU football games (bring Baby Burrill to one...)
10. Get caught up with scrapbooking by the time the baby gets here (May)
11. Scrapbook at least three times a month before the bay gets here
12. Scrapbook with Mitzi once every two months
13. Visit Chayla and Darreal in DC
14. Surf
15. Snowboard
16. Get floors redone
17. Get baby room done
18. Girls night once a month
19. BLOG EVERYDAY (I try this every year... and I never quite get all the pics updated at the correct time).
Vegas baby
21. Another half marathon or 10k after the baby is born (Im thinking SCV half or Vegas half)
22. Date night with Brady once every two weeks (so Mitzi can get her baby fix!)
23. Cut back on tutoring second semester. At most 6 sessions per week.
24. Take a picture of the baby on the same day each month.
25. Clear out upstairs closet
26. Get baby their first baby pic with Santa
27. Get back to 140 pounds post baby weight
28. Work out 5 x's a week.... except around May and June
29. Vegas for Micheal's 21st birthday
30. Get Life Insurance
31. One "vacation" with the baby this summer
32. Continue taking a picture of my belly once a month to show growth
33. Purchase a snowboard carrier for the Lexus
34. Organize downstairs closet
35. Reorganize den
36. Get shadow box from Meg down at UCLA
37. Make dinner at least 3 times a week
38. Make it to a Valencia High School basketball game
39. Make it to at least 5 West Ranch High School baseball games
40. Make it to at least 1 of the nieces and nephews sports and activities
41. Make bed everyday
42. Do laundry once a week
43. Put laundry away as soon as it's done
44. Talk to mom, dad, Christina at least twice a month
45. Paint part of the downstairs
46. Talk to Lauren and Chayla twice a month
47. Reenroll in cardio barre after pregnancy
48. Come up with a date and have a Michigan bridal shower
49. Have newborn baby pictures taken by Mitzi
50. Pedicure once every two months

There you have it... hopefully I can make more than half of these goals!!!!! Happy new year to all!


Melody's Voice said...

Those all sound like really great goals. I might copy some ;)

mitzi said...

Nice! I stink at reaching my goals every year so I'm not doing them again!!!! Instead, I will help you with yours. And in 2012, you can up your bi-weekly dates to every week. haha

Kris said...

Michigan bridal getting married again?