Sunday, April 17, 2011

Five for Fridays (or Sunday?!?!)

1. It was the week returning from spring break.... it always takes a few days to get adjusted after having a week off.

2. Had a great time with the Mandels and Jerry for dinner on Saturday night.

3. Did some DIY (do it yourself) projects around the house.

4. Brady's team (West Ranch) won 2/2 games this week.

5. At our last doctor's appointment we found out that Breslin is looking two weeks bigger... that doesn't mean he is going to be 2 weeks early, it just means that coming out he is going to look two weeks bigger... We're looking at an upper 9, maybe even 10 lb baby!!! Whoa Breslin!!! I think were looking at a future linebacker for MSU!

1 comment:

Melody's Voice said...

I can't believe all that is in your little belly!