Saturday, April 09, 2011

Week 33

Well... we got 7 weeks left. My how time has flown.

Breslin right now is approximately4 pounds! Wow... considering I have gained 20 or so, you would think he would be a little bit bigger! But Breslin and all of his baggage (placenta, amniotic fluid, blood) weigh in at about 10 or so pounds right now... And then of course there is the weight I have gained in the "fun bags!!!" as well ... hahaha... Breslin now should be about 17.2 inches long as well. We have our third ultrasound coming up on Tuesday and this is the one that they will check all of his measurements and make sure that everything is measuring right.

We are now on the, see a doctor once every two weeks schedule... No big deal... I got the time... yeah right. We are now heading into the end of the semester with school, I am still tutoring a few families and I have to make time for these doc appointments. Oh well, even though these doctor's appointments seem pointless, I know that they are very important, checking my bp, listening to the baby's heart and measuring my weight and belly (uterus) size.

As for how I feel these days... just fine. Of course I am tired, if I am able to take in a nap every other day that is just what I need! But other than that, I am not extremely uncomfortable. Breslin is moving ALOT, but he has yet to keep me awake with his movements. I really feel like staying active and continuing to work out throughout the pregnancy has made me feel really good, I mean besides the movement in my belly and the realization that it is very difficult to bend over and touch my toes or tie my shoes, sometimes I forget that my belly is even there...

Brady and I are slowly but surely getting more and more excited and prepared for Breslin's arrival! And I know... we will never be "prepared" but we are more prepared then we were 34 weeks ago, that's for sure.

Next week we are having the California baby shower, and I am looking forward to it! I can't wait to see all of my friends and family. I am super excited that my mom and Aunt are going to be able to make it as well, they are flying all the way out from Michigan! I truly appreciate it. We are also going to be doing our for real maternity pictures here soon with Mitzi taking them of course!

Looking forward to these last few weeks!

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