Friday, September 21, 2012

Five for Fridays

Our sweet little baby zonked out on Jessica's chest.  We needed a sitter on Wednesday for about an hour while I went back to work and Brady came from work.  I am super happy that I have a handful of students whom I have taught in the past who I would (literally) trust my whole world with.  Jessica being one of them!
1.  We had a sick baby all week.  Ironically, we left him in California with the Aunties because we thought the whirlwind trip to Michigan would be too overwhelming and tiring for him....  but instead, he ended up staying back and worked on a molar and a bottom front tooth as well as a virus.  He was super fussy on Sunday when we got home (was even fussy while skyping with his other Auntie... which he never is).  On Monday we sent him to daycare, until Mary gave us a call and said he felt super warm, and wouldn't eat anything.  We took him to the doctor where they took his temperature and it was at 103, poor little guy :(  That night as we were bathing him I thought I saw something in the back of his mouth, and sure enough it was his first molar popping in.  So of course, we took absolutely no time off of work to fly to Michigan, but when we get back, Brady had to take Tuesday off of school to stay with Brez, and I had to take off Wednesday morning off of work.  He finally kicked most of it by Wednesday night after a 3 1/2 hour nap.

2.  SYTYCD.  If you see me up on facebook, you know that I am in love with So You Think You Can Dance.  The finale was this week and I was super bummed with the male outcome.  (Although I loved all four dancers, I totally feel it was rigged this year, and America's vote was for Cyrus)!  I am looking forward to going to the top ten tour coming up in October.

3.  My fifth Back to School Night at Valencia!  I can not believe that I am going on my fifth year.  I have seen so many amazing students through out the years, and am looking forward for the many more I will encounter.  I am super excited for this year, because the kids are awesome, and have some really great, encouraging, and supportive parents.

4.  I had a great time in Michigan (for the 24 hours we were there) with family and friends!  I am in love with baby Hannah LaMacchia.  Even though we live 3,000 miles apart, I am looking forward to Breslin becoming best buds with Hannah and Teagan!  (Breslin gets on his play phone every once in a while and we pretend he is calling either Hannah or Teagan... we are working on their names as we speak so hopefully come next weekend he can say them).  And I was so happy to see Lauren and Sean, even though they now live closer than they have before, we see and talk to them waaaaaaaaayyyy less!  I miss them so much, but am looking forward to some great trips to Colorado in the future!

5.  In the category of "things we don't speak of" would include that certain game that we flew back for.  All I am going to say is, I can't wait til tomorrow... when we can finally move on from the weeks before game.  And one of the many reasons I love college football is last week I couldn't stand Notre Dame and the Irish... however this week, I am the Irish's biggest fan!  Let's go Rudy!!!  Beat those rodents!

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