Sunday, September 02, 2012

Playdate with Hannah and Teagan

Every time we come out to Michigan, we try and have a playdate with Teagan and Hannah.  Having the Michigan State game be on a Friday freed up a lot of time for playdates and family fun the rest of the weekend.  We headed over to Anna's for brunch (pancakes and these fabulous little egg bacon muffin thingy's).  Hannah also stopped by.  The three of them played and played and played for about two and a half hours.  Inside and outside.  At one point we looked at our poor little California baby (who is not used to the humidity at all) and he was drenched in sweat.  But he was just running around, playing with the dogs, bubbles, the new play yard in the back, going UP the slide and DOWN the steps.  Non stop all three of them were.  The playdate was such a success that Hannah went home and took a 3 hour nap.  Breslin didn't even make it out of Anna's street, he was already conked out in the car within 1 minute, and proceeded to take a 2:45 nap.  Thank you so much for letting us trash your house Anna.  We all had an absolute blast!
Just having a little bit of pancakes with Teagan this morning

The three amigos


This was right after Hannah got told "no" by her dad for getting on the table... I think Hannah is telling on Breslin.

Breslin helping Teagan mow the lawn



Teagan and Breslin exploring the backyard
Group Shot!  Teagan, Hannah, and Breslin

Attempting one more group shot.... ummmm yah, that's not gonna happen

Brady, Breslin, me, Anna, Teagan, Hannah, and John.
It is these people, these little ones, and my family that make me want to move back.  It was so much fun getting to watch the little ones play while the mommies and daddies hung out and talked.  I can only hope that Breslin will be a "long distance" friend with Hannah and Teagan.  I look forward to the many visits that they will have with each other, but feel sad we can't do it all the time!  We love you guys.


Julie said...

Such great photos of you three and your precious babes! Glad you got a chance to get together.

Julie said...

Such great photos of you three and your precious babes! Glad you got a chance to get together.

Dana LaMacchia said...

So bummed I had to work/sleep and couldn't be there with you guys! I'm so glad John could go and give Hannah a chance to play with her friends.