Monday, September 03, 2012


Last Sunday night, our power went out at 9:00.  No reason why, Brady checked the breaker's outside and had to switch the main switch.  Everything was fine.  Monday, the power went out approximately 6 times in two hours, all while the air was turned on.  If the air wasn't turned on the power ran just fine... No big deal, just keep the air off.  It was 106 degrees on Tuesday and Wednesday, so that really wasn't an option.  So Tuesday night an electrician came to the house.  Spent an hour trying to figure out what the heck was wrong, $125.00 later he referred us to an air conditioning guy.  We called the air conditioning guy, explained our problem, he was like, this sounds like an electrical issue, here is a number to an electrician.  FML.  They referred us to you.  They came over and spent two hours to no avail.  Mind you, it was still in the 100 + outside, and the upstairs of our house was 90 + with a one year old.  I was freaking out just a bit on how warm Breslin's room was.  So anyway, on Wednesday the guys came out again, figured out it was something electrical, but wouldn't be able to fix it unless Edison (the electrical company themselves) came to unlock something.  They didn't come.  Another night of 90 + in the house....  Thursday came, and we were headed off to Michigan (thank goodness, get out of this crazy Santa Clarita Valley heat), the problem was, Edison finally came to unlock whatever needed to be unlocked, so now the electrician could come back in and fix what he thought needed to be done.  But we weren't going to be there.  So he tried to fix it without us around to test it....

While the electrician was at our house working on fixing it... we were on our way to Michigan... to get out of the heat...  Here was the issue, the Delta Terminal.... ummm yeah, their air was broke.  Seriously?!?!

Oh wait, it gets better.

We get to Michigan, thinking, oh,  it'll be 80 degrees, with a bit of humidity.  Nope we were wrong, it got up to 99 degrees on Friday with humidity.  Could we not get away from it?  At least my mom's air conditioning worked.

Off to lunch before we head out to tailgate.  We go to Mongolian Barbecue.  We were there for about 15 minutes before the power went out there.  Two times, it's ironic... three times... I'm not sure.  All we wanted to do was enjoy a great Michigan State weekend with great weather....  But what in the world?  I told Brady that maybe we shouldn't go to the game, what if the light's go out there?!?! JK.  We were going to the game no matter what....  Even if it was high 80s with 100% humidity.

The rest of the weekend, the weather was great.  We flew back today and so far... the air and power works.. hopefully our dumb luck has run it's course. 

Stay Cool!

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