1. March Madness is in full gear... and as quickly as it started, my bracket abruptly came to an end. Normally, every year I will place in the top three or so of the pools I have entered... but this year I have been teetering on dead last. In each of my three pools, only one of them has a final four team left... Oh well... better luck next year!
2. It was a rough week at school this week. One of our own students passed away on Monday. He was a senior, and his parents are both teachers at our school. It was an unforeseen and sudden death. My thoughts go out to the Duncan friends and family during this time of need.
3. The weather has been wacky here in this last week. It has been cloudy, overcast, terrential down pouring at times, with lows in the low 40s and highs only in the low 60s. It feels more like January in California then it does spring. Hopefully it will warm up before Spring Break. This is the first Spring Break in forever that I am not going to Florida with the family... being 32 weeks pregnant might have something to do with it... but I can always count on warm weather out there in Florida... This year we are going to be spending three days at the Hyatt in Anaheim (Brady's baseball team has a tournament down there). And then another two days down in San Diego (maybe hit up Sea World while we are down there). Let's warm up Southern California!
4. Went and saw Lincoln Lawyer... I HIGHLY recommend it! It was excellent. The movie just kept you guessing all the way through the whole thing!
5. Breslin... with 9 weeks left... has been a tae-bo, karate kicking, cartwheeling fool!!! He moves and a grooves all the time. And then of course, when he is still for a little while, I of course think, what's wrong? Is he okay? Why isn't he moving? But then he starts at it again. If he is this squirmy still inside me, I can only imagine what he is going to be like when he gets out of there!
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Look at Baby Bres grow!

Wow! Over the last month, you can really see Baby Breslin has pooched out there! We have gone from barely anything, to people now stopping and asking me when I am due! It has been nearly 31 weeks... (It will be 31 weeks tomorrow) We have nine weeks left. I can not imagine getting any bigger!!! It is already a HUGE struggle putting socks and shoes on in the morning!!! I'd ask Brady for help... but he's already gone!!! Anyways, happy Thursday to you all! Have a great day!
Sunday, March 20, 2011
a belly pic
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Five for Fridays
1. As of Friday we are 3/4 of the way done through the pregnancy. We are 30 weeks down... 10 to go.... OMG.... are we ready?!?!
2. I had to call in for jury duty everyday this week... so everyday after school I spent about 45 minutes prepping for a sub "just in case" I got called in for jury duty... Luckily I didn't! But 45 minutes x 5 days... I wasted a good 3 hours and 45 minutes prepping for never needing a sub :(
3. Mom "Oma Ingrid" sent Baby Breslin a stroller/carseat in the mail. She read my blog a couple of weeks ago, when I had the dream about not having the carseat to take Breslin home in, and she needed to make sure that Breslin would have a way to get home from the hospital! Thanks mom! She also sent us these wonderful pillow covers for our couch pillows, they look AMAZING!
4. Well MSU made it to the NCAA tourney for the 14th year in a row... but as soon as we got in... we got bounced out by UCLA :( The boys gave it a good effort, coming back from a deficit of 23 points to lose by 2 in the last 4 seconds.... Well at least now, Spartan sports are over for the rest of the pregnancy... so Breslin will be excited to live his last ten weeks in the womb in a stress free environment!
5. West Ranch baseball had its first league game of the season... It was a high scoring game, but unfortunately West Ranch last 8-6 to Saugus :( I was able to make the whole game, and they looked good, just needed to finish it out. Let's get the next one!
2. I had to call in for jury duty everyday this week... so everyday after school I spent about 45 minutes prepping for a sub "just in case" I got called in for jury duty... Luckily I didn't! But 45 minutes x 5 days... I wasted a good 3 hours and 45 minutes prepping for never needing a sub :(
3. Mom "Oma Ingrid" sent Baby Breslin a stroller/carseat in the mail. She read my blog a couple of weeks ago, when I had the dream about not having the carseat to take Breslin home in, and she needed to make sure that Breslin would have a way to get home from the hospital! Thanks mom! She also sent us these wonderful pillow covers for our couch pillows, they look AMAZING!
4. Well MSU made it to the NCAA tourney for the 14th year in a row... but as soon as we got in... we got bounced out by UCLA :( The boys gave it a good effort, coming back from a deficit of 23 points to lose by 2 in the last 4 seconds.... Well at least now, Spartan sports are over for the rest of the pregnancy... so Breslin will be excited to live his last ten weeks in the womb in a stress free environment!
5. West Ranch baseball had its first league game of the season... It was a high scoring game, but unfortunately West Ranch last 8-6 to Saugus :( I was able to make the whole game, and they looked good, just needed to finish it out. Let's get the next one!
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Five for Fridays
Another week come and gone... it's amazing how time does go by....
1. MSU picked up a huge win against Purdue on Friday... hopefully it is enough to get us into the tournament!!!! It wouldn't be March Madness without MSU in the big dance!
2. Had another doctors appointment. Everything looks good! They did put me on some iron medication... (apparently I've needed to eat more vegetables).
3. Most of you heard the blood pressure story, but here it is again: My doctor's appointment was in the middle of the MSU versus Iowa first round Big Ten tournament game. MSU really needed to win to have any type of chance of getting into the NCAA tournament... needless to say, I was NOT happy that I was missing the game for a fifteen minute doctor's appointment. So, while I was waiting to be called in, Chayla was giving me live updates... it was a close game, but then all of a sudden MSU went down by seven with five turnovers in a row... the doctors then called me in... time to take your blood pressure :o I warned the OB nurse that my bp was going to be a little high, because I was feeling a bit stressed out... She took it, sure enough... 152/90!!!! I told her to give me a few minutes to calm down.... I checked my phone, about two minutes later, Chayla texts me... MSU is up by one!!! I call the nurse back... BP went down to 135/80 within those two minutes.... the nurse thought I was insane when I told her why I was stressed out!!!!! Let's be honest... any sane person would think that.... but those of you that know me, it makes complete sense! So needless to say, those darn Spartans really do a lot to me!!!! hahaha... I don't even really remember what the doctor's appointment was even about, it was such a blur... I was so concerned with the outcome of the game :/ So silly... I don't stress out about having the baby... but I do about MSU not making the tourney!!!
4. It's beginning to feel a lot like spring :)
5. Students took the CAHSEE (California High School Exit Exam) this week... so while I was proctoring on Tuesday and Wednesday I was able to play catch up... Get all my grades caught up, look forward through the semester and plan things out...
PS.. I was a week ahead of schedule with my post last week... Breslin is now 29 weeks or -11 weeks old as of yesterday....
1. MSU picked up a huge win against Purdue on Friday... hopefully it is enough to get us into the tournament!!!! It wouldn't be March Madness without MSU in the big dance!
2. Had another doctors appointment. Everything looks good! They did put me on some iron medication... (apparently I've needed to eat more vegetables).
3. Most of you heard the blood pressure story, but here it is again: My doctor's appointment was in the middle of the MSU versus Iowa first round Big Ten tournament game. MSU really needed to win to have any type of chance of getting into the NCAA tournament... needless to say, I was NOT happy that I was missing the game for a fifteen minute doctor's appointment. So, while I was waiting to be called in, Chayla was giving me live updates... it was a close game, but then all of a sudden MSU went down by seven with five turnovers in a row... the doctors then called me in... time to take your blood pressure :o I warned the OB nurse that my bp was going to be a little high, because I was feeling a bit stressed out... She took it, sure enough... 152/90!!!! I told her to give me a few minutes to calm down.... I checked my phone, about two minutes later, Chayla texts me... MSU is up by one!!! I call the nurse back... BP went down to 135/80 within those two minutes.... the nurse thought I was insane when I told her why I was stressed out!!!!! Let's be honest... any sane person would think that.... but those of you that know me, it makes complete sense! So needless to say, those darn Spartans really do a lot to me!!!! hahaha... I don't even really remember what the doctor's appointment was even about, it was such a blur... I was so concerned with the outcome of the game :/ So silly... I don't stress out about having the baby... but I do about MSU not making the tourney!!!
4. It's beginning to feel a lot like spring :)
5. Students took the CAHSEE (California High School Exit Exam) this week... so while I was proctoring on Tuesday and Wednesday I was able to play catch up... Get all my grades caught up, look forward through the semester and plan things out...
PS.. I was a week ahead of schedule with my post last week... Breslin is now 29 weeks or -11 weeks old as of yesterday....
Sunday, March 06, 2011
How time flies...
I sit here on Sunday morning thinking, approximately 11 weeks from now we will have a little baby boy changing our lives completely! I remember when we found out six months ago, that nine months seemed like FOREVER, and now that we near 3/4 of the way done I can not believe how the time has flown. However, when I look back at the past six months I thought that I would never be done being sick or being exhausted, but at around 4 1/2 months I felt some relief from the icky feeling... still felt exhausted, but at least no more neasous feeling all day every day.
Corey Burrill decided to say that Breslin was not 29 weeks old (because they doesn't make sense, when he comes out, he has to start back over at 0), but instead Breslin is -11 weeks old. At -11 weeks old Breslin is approximately 17 inches long and can weigh nearly 3 lbs (which doesn't compare to what I weigh now... maybe an additional 20 lbs here!!!!) In the next 11 weeks Breslin is going to double... maybe even triple his weight! He is approximately the size of a small butternut squash.
11 weeks left... are we going to be ready? I am not sure if anyone is ever completely ready. We have the room almost all done, we just need a few more items. We of course need all of the big items like, the car seat, the strollers, the bottles, the diapers... basically everything but the furniture! Thanks to the Michigan baby shower we crossed a few items off of our list, but there is still a ton to go.
I had a dream the other night (I've been having a few) where Breslin was born and it was time to leave the hospital, and we didn't have a car seat!!! They wouldn't let us leave! So Brady had to go out to the store to buy the car seat, then he came back to the hospital and we could finally leave! So I think the car seat will be the first thing we buy after the baby shower if we don't get it. I had another dream, where they gender misdiagnosed Breslin, and Breslin was actually a girl. I was so distraught about this (in my dream) because the signed basketball by Tom Izzo was written to Breslin... how was I going to get another signed basketball written to Breslyn, with a change in the lettering from i to y. So I had to check to see whether the baby was a boy or a girl... So I opened up my belly, pulled Breslin out, sure enough, he was a he... so then I put him back in.... Crazy ass dreams!
So we have 11 weeks left. Between now and then, there is the big ten basketball tournament next weekend. Then there is March Madness that takes us all the way through March (may not be as exciting as years past if MSU doesn't make the tourney). The tourney will lead us into April with that first week being Spring Break... and then... then we are getting close... Once we get past spring break there will be 6 weeks until Breslin comes and 6 weeks of school left! I am really hoping to be able to teach all the way up until school ends... but that might be pushing it. The last day of class is May 26, and Breslin is due May 27. The last doctor's appointment said that he is 3 days bigger than originally looked at... so we are looking at anywhere between May 24 and 27. One of my student's asked me, "what if your water breaks in class???" Well... then I guess it breaks in class.... that will definitely be more traumatizing for my students than for me!!!!
Saturday, March 05, 2011
Five for Fridays
Well, this week was a long one... I mean after two 4 day work weeks, a 5 day work week seems very long...
1) It is getting more difficult to put my shoes on in the morning. The belly keeps getting in the way!
2) Tutored from 3:00 - 7:30 on Wednesday... Oh my goodness, I don't know how I did that all of first semester, I was EXHAUSTED!
3) Went to an inning of West Ranch's first real baseball game of the season. The boys started it off on the right foot with a Win!
4) We bought some furniture for the downstairs living room; a new chair, so there is more seating available, and a coffee table... I am torn on the coffee table. It looks great, but makes the living room look small.
5) Got a new work out buddy this week. I go to the gym now three times a week with Melody, and then twice a week on my own. It helps to keep my motivation up in this last trimester!
1) It is getting more difficult to put my shoes on in the morning. The belly keeps getting in the way!
2) Tutored from 3:00 - 7:30 on Wednesday... Oh my goodness, I don't know how I did that all of first semester, I was EXHAUSTED!
3) Went to an inning of West Ranch's first real baseball game of the season. The boys started it off on the right foot with a Win!
4) We bought some furniture for the downstairs living room; a new chair, so there is more seating available, and a coffee table... I am torn on the coffee table. It looks great, but makes the living room look small.
5) Got a new work out buddy this week. I go to the gym now three times a week with Melody, and then twice a week on my own. It helps to keep my motivation up in this last trimester!
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